Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Your battles are yours to fight!

Fight your battles yourself, if you fall on your face, get up, gear up and get on with life
Every single person who has failed to keep their promises to protect you, every single person who kicked you when you were at your lowest, Every single person who has made you regret the choices you made in your life, has taught you a precious lesson
That you need to rely on yourself and you need to fight your own battles
You need to be that warrior princess who will rescue you from that hypothetical tower of fear and cowardice
You don't need someone at your side to handle your battles
you need someone at your side just to celebrate your victories

Give your loved ones reasons to celebrate your victories with you
Give them reasons to be proud of the person you are
Give them the chance to be happy that you are there in their lives
Remember that you have it, you can do it
Forgive those asshats, those manipulators, those liars, those backstabbers and thank them for the bitter lessons
Those lessons are going to make you strong if you will learn from them
Those lessons are going to make you the warrior princess who will spark and glow

Never forget that till you breathe you have the reason to fight, till you live you have the reason to move, you have an obligation to not give up!

Don't take life for granted, Don't take anyone for granted
Don't be one of those people who gives others bitter lessons to learn and grow
Its ok if you cannot be happy, just don't be the reason someone is sad
Forgive the mistakes and accidents, Forget the failures and move on
Life is a sum total of all our positive and negative moments
Put up hell of a fight to make the total a positive one...
If you do, you have made a mark on this universe, remember that!

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